B1 (for business) and B2 (for tourism)Visa Interview Questions and Answers

Visa Interview Questions and Answers
Adult applicants can avail a 5-year, multiple entry to the U.S by submitting their application for non-immigrant visas. The visas you can apply for include B1 (for business) and B2 (for tourism). These visas can be availed together as a B1/B2 visa. A B1 visa does not necessarily apply only to individuals who wish to gain employment in the United States, but can also be used for a variety of business-related activities such as negotiations, trainings and meetings for which the individual will not be paid within the country. On the other hand, a B2 visa is not only limited to individuals for tourism purposes, but also for travel related to seeking medical treatment or other personal purposes.
Sometimes the next question might come as a result of the answer you gave.As a tip don’t give short answers, always give long tail word answers.
Following are the questions that are usually posed to individuals who apply for a B1/B2 visa
  1. Why do you want to travel to the USA?
  2. What company do you work for?
  3. What do you do?
  4. What is your annual income?
  5. Have u ever visited any other country ?
  6. Can I see you Business/visiting card?
  7. Have you traveled to any country?
  8. Are you married?
  9. Do you have kids?
  10. What do you do?
  11.  Have you worked previously?
  12.  What are your job duties?
  13. How much do you Earn?
  14. Do you have relatives in the US?
§  What is the purpose of your visit to the US?
In reply to this question, you must state the reason for your visit, whether it is for business purposes, or to visit family and friends, or for a holiday, etc.
§  Have you travelled to the United States before?
You may answer this question with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The consulate may check to verify your statement.
§  Do you have relatives in the United States?
Provide the names of your close relatives in the US, if any, along with their relationship to you. There is no need to provide other details unless requested by the consulate.
§  Who will be sponsoring your visit?
Mention the name of the individual who will be sponsoring your visit.
§  Where will you be residing in the United States?
Provide the full address of the place where you will be residing during your visit. Make sure that the address you provide the consulate matches the one provided on your visa application.
§  What does (the individual sponsoring your visit) do for a living, and how much do they earn?
Provide the name of the organization at which the individual sponsoring your visa is employed along with their designation and disclose their annual income. Financial documents must be carried to support your answer, and the amount stated during the interview must correspond with the figure entered in your visa application.
§  How long has (the individual sponsoring your visit) been in the United States?
Answer the question with the number of years that the individual has been residing in the United States.
§  Did (the individual sponsoring your visit) study in the United States?
If yes, provide details regarding the degree they obtained and the university in which he/she studied.
§  What visa did (the individual sponsoring your visit) enter the United States on?
In case you’re relative has been residing in the United States for a long time and arrived on a student visa before obtaining a work visa, mention the same during the interview.
§  Is (the individual sponsoring your visit) married?
Provide the true answer – ‘yes’ if married, and ‘no’ if not.
§  Does (the individual sponsoring your visit) have any children?
If yes, mention the number of children they have.
§  Will your spouse be accompanying you on your visit to the United States?
Answer ‘yes’ if someone will be travelling with you, or ‘no’ if no one will be accompanying you on your visit.
§  Why are you travelling alone? (This question is mainly asked when an individual travels alone to the United States.)
Provide the true reason as to why you are travelling. In case you are married and are visiting for tourism purposes, mention that your spouse was unable to get leave from work or state the true reason as to why they could not make it.
§  When do you plan to visit the United States?
Mention the month in which you will be visiting the country.
§  What is the reason for travelling at that particular time?
Provide the reason why you have chosen that particular month to visit the United States, whether it is to attend an event, or to enjoy the weather at a certain time of year, or any other reason that is true.
§  What do you plan to do in the United States?
Answer with your plans for the visit, whether it is to visit popular tourist destinations (if so, mention the spots you wish to visit), or whether to spend time with your family and friends, etc.
§  What are the places you wish to visit in the United States?
Mention the names of popular tourist destinations, like Disneyland, Niagara Falls, Las Vegas, etc., or other places you wish to visit while in the country.
§  Have you booked your tickets?
The answer will depend based on your situation, but provide the true answer.
§  Have you booked your return tickets and availed medical insurance?
The answer is again subjective and will depend on your situation, but provide the true answer.
§  What are the expenses you will be expecting to incur on this visit?
Mention the individual who will be sponsoring your visit and give a brief estimate of your budget and how much money you are expecting to spend while in the United States.
§  Have you travelled abroad before this trip?
Mention the countries you have been to prior to your impending visit to the United States.
§  How long will you be residing in the United States?
Provide the duration in number of months that you will be residing in the country on your visit.
§  Why do you wish to stay for so long? Can’t you plan a shorter trip? (This question is usually asked when applicants have planned a trip for six months or more.)
Respond with the reason for your stay and provide a comprehensive explanation as to why you will be residing so long in the country.
§  What guarantee do we have that you will return to Bangladesh?
Mention that you have a family in the country and provide other reasons as to why you will be returning to India after your visit. Mention your job / business, if any, and your dependents who require your presence in the country.
§  When did you last meet (the individual sponsoring your visit)?
Respond with the month and year in which you last met the individual who will be sponsoring your visit. The consulate may call them and verify your response so make sure to be precise about your answer.
§  When did (the individual sponsoring your visit) last visit Bangladesh?
Mention the month and year in which the individual who will be sponsoring your visa last visited India. Make sure your response is accurate as the consulate may call your sponsor to verify that authenticity of the details you have provided.
§  When does (the individual sponsoring your visit) intend to visit India next?
If your sponsor is visiting India any time soon, mention the month and year in which they have planned their trip. If they have no such plans, disclose the same to the consulate.
§  Where do you stay in India?
Provide details of your residential address in the country.
§  Where do you work and what is your job profile?
Provide details of the company at which you work, what roles and responsibilities you fulfil, and how long you have been working with the company. Make sure that the information you provide is accurate as it will be cross-checked by the consulate.
§  What is your annual income?
Respond with your annual CTC and provide the accurate amount you earn at your current organization as it will be cross-verified by the consulate. It is also recommended that you carry the necessary financial documents to support your statement.
§  Have you applied for leave? (This question is asked if you are currently employed)
If you are employed, state that you have applied for leave for the duration of your visit. If you are unemployed, state the same to the consulate. It is advised that you carry your leave certificate / application from your employer if you have taken leave to go for the trip.
§  How do you plan to fund your visit? (This question is usually asked when the applicant does not earn a sufficient amount to go on an international trip.)
In this case, you can tell the consulate that your expenses will be looked after by the individual who will be sponsoring your visit.
§  Applicants who have their own business may be asked who will look after their business in their absence.
If you have already hired someone to look after your business when you’re away, you can reveal the same to the consulate along with information about the person. If you have not hired anyone to take care of your business while you’re away, you may simply state that it will be taken care of by your partner.
§  Applicants who are retired will be asked how much pension they receive.
Respond with how much money you receive through your pension fund and make sure that the amount you disclose is accurate as it will be cross-checked by the authorities.
§  What assets do you hold in India?
To answer this question, you can mention all the assets you possess, like residential or commercial properties, motor vehicles, etc. It is essential to mention all the immovable properties you own as the consulate will get a guarantee that you will return to India to capitalize on your assets.
§  Who will look after your property while you are away?
If you have requested your family or friends to look after your property while you are away, you can mention the same to the consulate along with details about the individual whom you have entrusted to take care of your property.
§  Do you own a credit card?
In case you possess a credit card, show it to the consulate and provide the details requested. If not, just tell them that you do not own one at the moment.
§  Will you be working in the United States?
Whether you are applying for a H1 visa or a H2 visa, it is important to disclose whether or not you will be looking at job opportunities in the United States. If not, just tell them that the purpose of your visit is tourism and that you are not interested in looking for jobs or seeking employment in the country.
§  Married individuals may be asked how many children they have and what the children do.
Respond to this question with how many children you currently have and what they do, that is if they are studying or working. If you have children in India, it is important to mention that too.
§  Married individuals may also be asked about their children’s date of birth.
In this case, provide the accurate date on which your children were born as it will be cross-verified by the authorities. Also provide them with the names and addresses of your children, if requested.
Apart from these questions, the consulate may also ask other questions to ensure that you are in sound physical and mental condition to travel to the United States. They are usually simple questions that can be answered with relative ease. Just make sure that the information entered into your H1/H2 visa application are accurate as the form will be referenced while you are answering the questions at the interview. It is also recommended that you carry all the financial documents that can help you convince the consulate that you are financially sound to take an international trip.


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